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24.12.29 - Repentance
24.12.22 - Love
24.12.15 - Joy
24.12.08 - Peace
24.12.01 - Hope
24.11.24 - 2 Thessalonians 3
24.11.17 - 2 Thessalonians 2
24.11.10 - 2 Thessalonians 1
24.11.03 - 1 Thessalonians 5
24.10.27 - 1 Thessalonians 5
24.10.20 - Missions in India
24.10.13 - 1 Thessalonians 4
24.10.06 - 1 Thessalonians 4
24.09.29 - 1 Thessalonians 3
24.09.22 - 1 Thessalonians 2
24.09.15 - 1 Thessalonians 1
24.09.08 - Four Portraits - One Christ
24.09.01 - Four Portraits - One Christ
24.08.25 - Four Portraits - One Christ
24.08.11 - Four Portraits - One Christ
24.08.04 - Four Portraits - One Christ
24.07.28 - Four Portraits - One Christ
24.07.21 - Four Portraits - One Christ
24.07.14 - Four Portraits - One Christ
24.07.07 - Four Portraits - One Christ
24.06.30 - Revelation 22
24.06.23 - Revelation 21
24.06.16 - Father's Day
24.06.09 - Revelation 20
24.06.02 - Revelation 19
24.05.26 - Revelation 17-18
24.05.19 - Revelation 15-16
24.05.12 - Mother's Day
24.05.05 - Revelation 14
24.04.28 - Revelation 13
24.04.21 - Revelation 12
24.04.14 - Revelation Recap
24.04.07 - Revelation 11
24.03.31 - Easter
24.03.24 - Revelation 10
24.03.17 - Revelation 9
24.03.10 - Revelation 8
24.03.03 - Revelation 7
24.02.25 - Revelation 6
24.02.18 - Revelation 5
24.02.11 - Revelation 4
24.02.04 - Revelation 2-3
24.01.28 - Revelation 3
24.01.21 - Revelation 2
24.01.14 - Revelation 1
24.01.07 - Revelation Mysteries
23.12.31 - Tim Walter: Gospel Guy
23.12.24 - Advent: Love
23.12.17 - Advent: Joy
23.12.10 - Advent: Peace
23.12.03 - Advent: Hope
23.11.26 - Living a Life of Grace
23.11.19 - Walking in Faith
23.11.12 - Fruits of the Spirit
23.11.05 - Repentance and Forgiveness
23.10.29 - God's Unconditional Love
23.10.22 - Acts 28
23.10.15 - Acts 27
23.10.08 - Acts 26
23.10.01 - Acts 25
23.09.24 - Acts 24
23.09.17 - Acts 23
23.09.10 - Acts 22
23.09.03 - Acts 21
23.08.27 - Acts 20
23.08.13 - Acts 19
23.08.06 - Acts 18
23.07.30 - Acts 17
23.07.23 - Acts 16
23.07.16 - Acts 15
23.07.09 - Acts 14
23.07.02 - Acts 13
23.06.25 - Acts 12
23.06.18 - Father's Day
23.06.11 - Acts 11
23.06.04 - Acts 10
23.05.28 - Acts 9
23.05.21 - Acts 8
23.05.14 - Mother's Day
23.05.07 - Acts 7
23.04.30 - Acts 6
23.04.23 - Acts 5
23.04.16 - Acts 4
23.04.09 - Easter - Luke 24
23.04.02 - Acts 3
23.03.26 - Acts 2
23.03.19 - Acts 2
23.03.12 Acts 2
23.03.05 - Acts 1
23.02.26 - Sacred and Secular
23.02.19 - Sacred and Secular
23.02.12 - Sacred and Secular
23.02.05 - Sacred and Secular
23.01.29 - Sacred and Secular
23.01.22 - Sacred and Secular
23.01.15 - Sacred and Secular
23.01.08 - Sacred and Secular
23.01.01 - Sacred and Secular
22.12.18 - Advent: Love
22.12.11 - Advent: Joy
22.11.27 - Advent: Hope
22.11.20 - Ecclesiastes 12
22.11.13 - Ecclesiastes 10-11
22.11.06 - Ecclesiastes 9
22.10.30 - Ecclesiastes 5
22.10.23 - Ecclesiastes 5
22.10.16 - Ecclesiastes 4
22.10.09 - Ecclesiastes 3
22.10.02 - Ecclesiastes 2
22.09.25 - Ecclesiastes 2
22.09.18 - Ecclesiastes 2
22.09.11 - Ecclesiastes 1
22.09.04 - Spiritual Gifts
22.08.28 - Spiritual Gifts
22.08.21 - Fruit of the Spirit is Love
22.08.14 - Spiritual Gifts
22.08.07 - Spiritual Gifts
22.07.31 - Spiritual Gifts
22.07.17 - 1 Peter 5
22.07.10 - 1 Peter 5
22.07.03 - 1 Peter 4
22.06.26 - 1 Peter 4
22.06.19 - Jesus as the image of the Father
22.06.12 - 1 Peter 3
22.06.05 - 1 Peter 2
22.05.29 - 1 Peter 2
22.05.22 - 1 Peter 1
22.05.15 - 1 Peter 1
22.05.08 - 1 Peter 1
22.05.01 - 1 Peter 1
22.04.24 - 1 Peter (all of it)
22.04.17 - Easter
22.04.10 - 1 Corinthians 9
22.04.03 - Gospel: Community & Reconciliation
22.03.27 - Gospel: Repentance
22.03.20 - Gospel: Resurrection
22.03.13 - Gospel: Jesus
22.03.06 - Gospel: Man & Fall
22.02.27 - Gospel: Creation
22.02.20 - Gospel: God
22.02.13 - Gospel
22.02.06 - Mark 16
22.01.30 - Mark 16
22.01.23 - Mark 16
22.01.16 - Mark 15
22.01.09 - Mark 15
22.01.02 - Mark 15
21.12.19 - Advent: Love
21.12.12 - Advent: Joy
21.12.05 - Advent: Peace
21.11.28 - Advent: Hope
21.11.21 - Mark 14
21.11.14 - Mark 14
21.11.07 - Mark 14
21.10.31 - Mark 14
21.10.24 - Mark 14
21.10.17 - Mark 13
21.10.10 - Mark 13
21.10.03 - Mark 13
21.09.26 - Mark 12
21.09.19 - Mark 12
21.09.12 - Mark 11
21.09.05 - Mark 11
21.08.29 - Mark 11
21.08.22 - Mark 10
21.08.08 - Mark 10
21.07.25 - Mark 10
21.07.11 - Mark 9
21.07.11 - Mark 10
21.07.04 - Galatians 5:1
21.06.27 - Mark 9
21.06.13 - Mark 9
21.05.30 - Mark 8
21.05.23 - Sierra Leone Report
21.05.16 - Mark 8
21.05.09 - Mark 7
21.05.02 - Mark 7
21.04.25 - Mark 6
21.04.18 - Mark 6
21.04.11 - Mark 6
21.04.04 - Easter @ Gateway
21.03.28 - Mark 6
21.03.21 - Mark 5
21.03.14 - Mark 4-5
21.03.07 - Mark 4
21.02.28 - Mark 4
21.02.07 - Mark 2
21.01.31 - Mark 1-2
21.01.24 - Mark 1
21.01.17 - Mark 1
21.01.10 - State of the Church
21.01.03 - Goals
20.12.27 - Rejoicing Repentance
20.12.20 - Advent: Communion
20.12.13 - Advent: Repentance
20.12.06 - Advent: Peace
20.11.15 - Advent: Faith
20.11.08 - Prayer: Struggle & Practice
20.11.01 - Prayer: Awe & Intimacy
20.10.25 - Prayer: Seeking His Face
20.10.18 - Prayer: Meditation
20.10.11 - Prayer: Rules of Engagement
20.10.04 - Learning to Pray
20.09.27 - Encountering God
20.09.20 - Conversation with God
20.09.13 - Understanding Prayer
20.08.30 - The Gospel- Consummation of all things
20.08.23 - Habakkuk 3:16-19
20.08.09 - Habakkuk 3:8-15
20.08.02 - Habakkuk 3:1-7
20.07.26 - The Gospel of Reconciliation
20.07.19 - Habakkuk 2:18-20
20.07.12 - Habakkuk 2:15-17
20.07.05 - Habakkuk 2:12-14
20.06.28 - Counterfeit Gospels
20.06.20 - Habakkuk 2:9-11
20.06.14 - Habakkuk 2:6-8
20.06.07 - Habakkuk 2:1-5
20.05.31 - What is the Gospel? - Story Line
20.05.24 - Habakkuk 1:12-2:1
20.05.17 - Habakkuk 1:5-11
20.05.10 - Habakkuk 1:1-4
20.05.03 - The Gospel God and Glory
20.04.26 - Hebrews 13
20.04.19 - Hebrews 13
20.04.12 - Easter
20.04.05 - Hebrews 13
20.03.29 - Hebrews 12
20.03.22 - Hebrews 12
20.03.15 - Hebrews 11
20.03.01 - Hebrews 10
20.02.23 - Hebrews 10
20.02.16 - Hebrews 10
20.02.02 - Hebrews 9
20.01.26 - Hebrews 9
20.01.19 - Hebrews 8
20.01.12 - Hebrews 7
20.01.05 - State of the Church
19.12.29 - Hebrews 7
19.12.22 - Advent: Love
19.12.15 - Advent: Joy
19.12.08 - Advent: Peace
19.12.01 - Advent: Hope
19.11.24 - Hebrews 6
19.11.10 - Hebrews 5-6
19.11.03 - Hebrews 5
19.10.27 - Hebrews 4
19.10.20 - Hebrews 4
19.10.13 - Hebrews 3
19.09.29 - Hebrews 2
19.09.22 - Hebrews 2
19.09.15 - Hebrews 1
19.09.01 - In Christ
19.08.18 - Prayer
19.08.11 - Breaking Bread
19.08.04 - Fellowship
19.07.28 - Teaching
19.07.21 - Prayer & Fasting
19.07.15 - Breaking Bread
19.07.07 - Fellowship
19.06.30 - Teaching
19.06.23 - Prayer
19.06.16 - Breaking Bread
19.06.09 - Fellowship
19.06.03 - Being Teachable
19.05.26 - Cultivate Community: Chris, Craig, & Sergio
19.05.19 - Cultivate Community: Holy Spirit
19.05.12 - Cultivate Community - Mother's Day
19.05.05 - Cultivate Community: God's Divine Community
19.04.28 - Cultivate Community?
19.04.21 - Easter
19.04.14 - Palm Sunday
19.04.07 - Community
19.03.31 - 2 Corinthians 13
19.03.24 - 2 Corinthians 12
19.03.17 - 2 Corinthians 12
19.03.10 - 2 Corinthians 11
19.03.03 - 2 Corinthians 11
19.02.24 - 2 Corinthians 10
19.02.03 - 2 Corinthians 9
19.01.27- 2 Corinthians 9
19.01.20 - 2 Corinthians 8
19.01.13 - 2 Corinthians 8
19.01.06 - 2 Corinthians 7
18.12.30 - Childlike Evangelism
18.12.23 - Love
18.12.16 - Peace
18.12.09 - Joy
18.12.02 - Hope
18.11.25 - 2 Corinthians 7
18.11.18 - 2 Corinthians 6
18.11.11 - 2 Corinthians 6
18.11.04 - 2 Corinthians 5
18.10.28 - 2 Corinthians 5
18.10.21 - 2 Corinthians 4
18.10.14 - 2 Corinthians 4
18.10.07 - 2 Corinthians 3
18.09.30 - 2 Corinthians 2
18.09.23 - 2 Corinthians 2
18.09.16 - 2 Corinthians 1
18.09.09 - 2 Corinthians 1
18.09.02 - 2 Corinthians
18.08.19 - Baptism
18.08.12 - Dr. Samuel Kargbo: Called & Sent
18.08.05 - 2 Timothy 2:1-13
18.07.15 - 1 Corinthians 15
18.07.08 - 1 Corinthians 15
18.07.01 - John 1:29-46
18.06.24 - 1 Corinthians 15
18.06.10 - 1 Corinthians 13
18.06.03 - One Church
18.05.27 - 1 Corinthians 12
18.05.13 - 1 Corinthians 11
18.05.06 - 1 Corinthians 10
18.04.29 - Hope
18.04.15 - 1 Corinthians 8
18.04.08 - 1 Corinthians 7
18.04.01 - Easter
18.03.25 - 1 Corinthians 7
18.03.18 - 1 Corinthians 6
18.03.11 - 1 Corinthians 6
18.03.04 - 1 Corinthians 5
18.02.25 - 1 Corinthians 4
18.02.18 - 1 Corinthians 3
18.02.11 - 1 Corinthians 2
18.02.04 - 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
18.01.28 - 1 Corinthians 1:10-17
18.01.21 - 1 Corinthians 1:1-9
18.01.14 - Boldness
18.01.07 - 1 Corinthians Overview
17.12.31 - Fasting and Prayer
17.12.24 - Joy
17.12.17 - Love
17.12.10 - Hope
17.12.03 - Tim Walter
17.11.26 - Thanksgiving
17.11.19 - Room in the Inn
17.11.12 - Stop it (8)
17.11.05 - Last Supper
17.10.29 - Revelation
17.10.22 - Stop it (7)
17.10.15 - Stop it (6)
17.10.08 - Stop it (5)
17.10.01 - Stop it (4)
17.09.24 - Stop it (3)
17.09.17 - Stop it (2)
17.09.10 - Stop it (1)
17.09.03 - Christian Wealth
17.08.13 - Jonah
17.08.06 - Identity in Christ
17.07.30 - Desire
17.07.23 - Humility John 13
17.07.16 - Jesus' Prayer John 17
17.07.09 - Worshiping
17.07.02 - Freedom
17.06.25 - Noah
17.06.18 - Becoming a fantastic father
17.06.11 - Gideon
17.06.04 - Job
17.05.28 - Moses
17.05.21 - King David
17.05.14 - Fear of the Lord
17.05.07 - Esther
17.04.30 - Daniel
17.04.23 - Saul
17.04.16 - Resurrection of Jesus
17.04.09 - Achan
17.04.02 - Elijah
17.03.26 - Samson
17.03.19 - Joshua
17.03.11 - Nehemiah
17.03.05 - Nehemiah
17.02.26 - Samuel
17.02.19 - Hannah
17.02.12 - Jonah
17.02.05 - Abraham
17.01.29 - Adam & Eve
17.01.22 - Worship
17.01.15 - Idols
17.01.01 - Commitment
16.12.23 - Advent 3
16.12.11 - Advent 2
16.12.04 - Advent 1
16.11.27 - Better Together 5
16.11.20 - Better Together 4
16.11.13 - Better Together 3
16.11.06 - Better Together 2
16.10.30 - Better Together 1
16.10.23 - DJ Vincent: Luke 5
16.10.16 - Salem House of Prayer (James 1)
16.10.09 - Romans 16:19-27
16.10.02 - Romans 16:1-18
16.09.25 - Romans 15:22-33
16.09.18 - Romans 15:14-21
16.09.11 - Romans 15:3-13
16.09.04 - Romans 14-15:2
16.08.28 - Romans 13:8-14
16.08.21 - Mexico Mission 2016
16.07.31 - Romans 13:1-7
16.07.24 - Suffering
16.07.17 - Romans 12:14-21
16.07.10 - Romans 12:3-13
16.07.03 - Romans 12:1-2
16.06.26 - Romans 11
16.06.19 - Romans 10
16.06.12 - Sergio Aguirre - Four Soils
16.06.05 - Giving
16.05.29 - Romans 9
16.05.22 - Learning the Bible
16.05.15 - Romans 8:31-39
16.05.08 - Mother's Day
16.05.01 - Romans 8:28-39
16.04.24 - Romans 8:28-31
16.04.17 - Romans 8:28-29
16.04.10 - John 17
16.04.03 - Romans 8:28-29
16.03.27 - Easter
16.03.20 - Romans 8:25-27
16.03.13 - Romans 8:18-25
16.03.06 - Romans 8:17-18
16.02.28 - Romans 8:15-17
16.02.21 - Gospel Guy Network
16.02.14 - Romans 8:12-14
16.02.07 - Romans 8:5-11
16.01.31 - Herm Boes
16.01.24 - Unclean
16.01.17 - Romans 8:1-4
16.01.10 - Romans 8 Overview
16.01.03 - Romans 7:1-25
15.12.27 - Romans 7:1-25
15.12.20 - Christmas
15.12.13 - Romans 7:1-6
15.12.06 - Romans 6:15-23
15.11.29 - Romans 6:1-14
15.11.22 - Romans 5:12-21
15.11.15 - What We're Doing
15.11.08 - Romans 5:6-11
15.11.01 - Romans 5:3-5
15.10.25 - Romans 5:1-2
15.10.18 - Romans 4
15.10.11 - Romans 3:21-31
15.10.04 - Light of the World Ministries to Sierra Leone
15.09.27 - Romans 3:3-20
15.09.13 - Romans 3:1-2
15.09.06 - Romans 2:17-29
15.08.30 - Romans 2:6-16
15.08.23 - Romans 2:1-5
15.08.09 - Mexico Mission Trip 2015
15.08.02 - Romans 1:18-32
15.07.26 - Romans 1:18-32
15.07.19 - Romans 1:14-17
15.07.12 - Romans 1:8-12
15.07.05 - Romans 1:7-12
15.06.28 - Romans 1:2-8
15.06.21 - Romans 1:2-8
15.06.14 - Romans 1:1
15.06.07 - Jason Nightingale
15.05.31 - God's Holiness
15.05.24 - Ecclesiates
15.05.17 - 1 John 3
15.05.10 - Mother's Day
15.05.03 - 1 Timothy 6
15.04.26 - 1 Timothy 6
15.04.19 - 1 Timothy 5
15.04.12 - Sherri Wilson
15.04.05 - Easter
15.03.29 - DJ Vincent
15.03.22 - DJ Vincent
15.03.15 - 1 Timothy 4
15.03.08 - 1 Timothy 3
15.03.01 - 1 Timothy 2
15.02.15 - Unraveling God's Will - Final
15.02.08 - Unraveling God's Will - Joseph
15.02.01 - Leno Dukic
15.01.25 - Unraveling God's Will - Part 3
15.01.18 - Unraveling God's Will - David
15.01.11 - Unraveling God's Will - Abraham
15.01.04 - Unraveling God's Will For Me
14.12.28 - Philippians 3
14.12.21 - Wise Men
14.12.14 - Senegal / 2 Peter 3
14.12.07 - Christmas Gift
14.11.30 - Thanksgiving
14.11.23 - Generosity
14.11.16 - Self-Control
14.11.09 - In Love
14.11.02 - Growing in Character
14.10.26 - Growing in Faith
14.10.19 - Hearts on Fire
14.10.12 - Mission Increase
14.10.05 - A Vision for the Lost
14.09.14 - Understanding Failure
14.09.07 - Christ will build His Church
14.08.24 - Sermon on the Mount
14.08.17 - Sermon on the Mount
14.08.10 - Nathan Riley: Jesus Our King and Savior
14.07.27 - Paul Paquin
14.07.20 - That's what He said ... Heart for the Needy
14.07.13 - Andando Missions
14.07.06 - That's what He said ... Loving your Enemies
14.06.29 - That's what He said ... Until Death, Really?
14.06.22 - That's what He said ... Taking Sin Seriously
14.06.15 - Father's Day
14.06.08 - Special Offering
14.06.01 - That's what He said ... Above and Beyond
14.05.25 - That's what He said ... Salt & Light
14.05.18 - That's what He said ... The Beatitudes
14.05.04 - That's what He said ... Teach with Authority
14.04.27 - That's what He said ... Drop Your Nets
14.04.13 - That's what He said ... Following the familiar
14.03.30 - DJ Vincent - Ordinary Evangelism
14.03.23 - That's what He said ... Jesus' Youth
14.03.16 - Communion
14.03.09 - Past, Present, and Future
14.03.02 - Why Mystery?
14.02.23 - Was I Chosen or Did I Choose?
14.02.16 - The Resurrection
14.02.02 - Suffering
14.01.26 - Mysteries of Angels, Demons, & Satan
14.01.19 - Mysteries of Jesus in the OT
14.01.12 - Mysteries of the Flood
14.01.05 - Mysteries of the Bible
13.12.29 - Way of Life 2014
13.12.22 - Advent Pt. 4 Peace
13.12.15 - Advent Pt. 3 Joy
13.12.08 - Advent Pt. 2 Love
13.12.01 - Advent Pt. 1 Hope
13.11.24 - Give Thanks
13.11.17 - What is Love? Pt. 6 Love Rejoices in Truth
13.11.10 - What is Love? Pt. 5 Love is Not Easily Angered
13.11.03 - What is Love? Pt. 4 Envy
13.10.27 - What is Love? Pt. 3 Kindness
13.10.20 - What is Love? Pt. 2 Patience
13.10.13 - What is Love? Pt. 1 The Most Excellent Way
13.10.06 - Our Future
13.09.29 - Our Function
13.09.22 - Our Family
13.09.15 - Faithfulness
13.09.08 - Our Fellowship
13.08.18 - Being Flexible
13.07.21 - The End of The World As We Know It
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